Love Will Carry You Through

I was driving through my neighborhood a while ago and I saw something.

I saw a man standing on the side of the road. He was dirty, disheveled. He had a large backpack nearby, and looked as though he lived out of the backpack (as in a camping backpack).

His clothing looked like hippie clothing.

Many people would look at him and think him homeless. He may have been homeless.

I noticed something though. He was waving a sign.

Love Will Carry You Through

Yes, he was waving a sign around that said “Love Will Carry You Through.”

It takes thinking about these words for a few minutes before you really realize just how true they are. Love will carry you through – everything.

I mean, think about it. If you open yourself up to love, both as recipient and giver, it has the power to get you through anything and everything that you need.

Hard Times

If you are going through hard times, whether at home, financially, health, or anything else – giving and receiving love will carry you through the hard times.

Reaching out to those around you, and feeling their care, their love – this will help carry you through.

Finding others around you who are either going through something similar to what you are going through or going through something harder, and giving them some love and support – this too will carry you through.

Good Times

Yes, in good times also we need love. Love is the great equalizer, love is the secret ingredient in so many smash hits. Anyone can love; anyone can be loved. It takes love (read passion) to create something amazing.

I Am Grateful

Old BeggarI am grateful to this man, to this disheveled, homeless, wandering man.

I am grateful that he felt it necessary to stand on the side of the road that day and wave this sign around. I am grateful that he showed me that you really don’t need to have a lot to spread good cheer and provoking thoughts around.

He also reinforced my belief that the world has such tremendous potential to change and affect you for the better if you only open yourself to it.

(The person I saw is not pictured here; this photo is representative).

You’ve Got This

You have tremendous qualities open to yourself. No matter what, no matter when, if you delve deep within yourself, you will find that you have strengths and tools that you can use to grow, to expand, to become better.

Go out and get ’em. Grow. Inspire. Be strong. Build others up. Love. Because remember, no matter what, no matter when, love will carry you through.

If you let it.

Ari Gunzburg

Ari is a motivational speaker, wilderness liaison, podcast host, and more. Ari has previously focused on marketing, branding, and web design for over a decade. Now Ari is sparking creativity, inspiring happiness, and connecting with audiences everywhere to inspire better productivity, more creativity, and greater efficiency. Ari is also helping youths make the right choices to have the most fulfilling life with the greatest chance of success. Ari enjoys spending time with his amazing family, rock climbing, cycling, hiking, yoga, woodworking, reading and more.

Learn more about motivational speaker Ari Gunzburg:   About Ari