How-To Series at Launchhouse: Logo, Website & Style Guide

I am excited to announce that I will be presenting 3 How-To seminars for Launchhouse in their new How-To Series.

We have been discussing what subjects can have the most impact for entrepreneurs, along with a good take-away.

We have now developed 3 different courses. They are all stand-alone – you don’t need to take one for the others to make sense.

How-To Series Presented by Ari Gunzburg

How To: Creating a Brand Logo

How-To: Creating a Brand Logo – Exploration, Concept & Creation

Learn about logos and what makes a good logo or a bad logo. Gain an understanding of the role color plays in your branding. Learn about typefaces and the message they send.

Hiring a logo design firm to do a full logo exploration can easily cost many thousands of dollars. You know your brand better than anyone. Join us for a logo exploration exercise. Then hire an artist to complete your logo based on your instructions (after the workshop) instead of a branding company to develop your brand for you when you know your brand better than anyone.

In this workshop, do an exploration for your own logo, making branding decisions on important aspects such as coloring and typography. Also brainstorm possible logo symbols to incorporate, with sketches (no drawing required) and more.

Takeaway: Actionable plan for logo creation: logo colors, font selection, and ideas for an icon

Learn more and RSVP on EventBrite

How To: Planning Your Website

How-To: Planning Your Website

You know you need a website. But you don’t know where to start. Learn how to create a plan and define your wants and needs. This will help you either clearly define what you will get when working with a web designer or give you the plan you need to complete the website yourself.

Hiring a web design firm to create a website for you can get expensive. And if you don’t really know what you want, part of what they will be charging you for is to help you clarify your ideas. If you are able to determine exactly what you want, and you can give the web design firm a clear plan to complete the website, you will save time, money and effort when developing your site.

In this workshop, learn about what makes a good website and a bad website. Learn about usability and how it effects your online presence. Briefly touch upon best practices for Search Engine Optimization (a lengthy subject in and of itself). Create an actionable plan to develop a website including your information architecture and wireframes. Learn the basics of setting up a WordPress website to be able to set up your own website.

Takeaway: Actionable plan for your website: information architecture and page wireframes

Learn more and RSVP on EventBrite

How To: Creating a Style Guide

How-To: Creating a Style Guide

Have you ever seen marketing materials come out of a company and wondered who let them go out looking like that? The logo choppy or blurry, with a strange font selection and colors that just don’t go well together? Bad design is often a result of poor decisions, or a lack of knowledge.

Many companies don’t publish a style guide. Which leads them to design disasters as described above. But a style guide can help guide hired graphic designers and internal employees to know what is and isn’t acceptable to do on a marketing piece. This removes much of the potential for bad design decisions.

Learn what makes a good balanced graphic design piece. Understand the role of color and typography in representing your brand. Learn how a few simple guidelines can help your people , internal and external, make your marketing and paperwork look that much more beautiful.

Start with your existing colors and create a unified color scheme that can be included in your style guide so people don’t make their own [often bad] design decisions about what colors to use in your marketing materials. Clearly define which fonts can and cannot be used. Show at what sizes your logo can be used, how much whitespace it needs, and samples of what can and can’t be done with it.

Takeaway: Style Guide to present to designers or staff to create understanding of acceptable styles

Learn more and RSVP on EventBrite

Buy More, Save More

If you sign up for one class, Launchhouse may send you a coupon to sign up for a second or third of my courses. If you want to reserve for 2 or 3 of these courses, and want to make sure you get a coupon, feel free to contact me.

Early Bird Specials

All of these courses have an early bird price applicable to up to one week before the event.

Ari Gunzburg

Ari is a motivational speaker, wilderness liaison, podcast host, and more. Ari has previously focused on marketing, branding, and web design for over a decade. Now Ari is sparking creativity, inspiring happiness, and connecting with audiences everywhere to inspire better productivity, more creativity, and greater efficiency. Ari is also helping youths make the right choices to have the most fulfilling life with the greatest chance of success. Ari enjoys spending time with his amazing family, rock climbing, cycling, hiking, yoga, woodworking, reading and more.

Learn more about motivational speaker Ari Gunzburg:   About Ari